COVID-19 / Coronavirus Update
Dear Patients of Frangella Dental,
With the unprecedented events and challenges posed by COVID-19, we wanted to assure you that we remain committed to the service and health of our patients. Our office will be open for emergency care.
In this fluid environment, it is imperative that you carry out good oral hygiene and prevention practices. The ADA recommends dentists nationwide postpone elective procedures for the next three weeks. Concentrating on emergency dental care will allow us to care for our emergency patients and alleviate the burden that dental emergencies would place on hospital emergency departments. It is important for you to contact us for any urgent needs that may arise.
Our office is bound by and adheres to strict OSHA regulations for disinfection and sterilization. We continue to enforce those standards and have implemented additional measures at this time.
Before visiting our office please read these key points:
Please arrive on-time for your appointments; this will minimize the amount of time you spend in our waiting room or reception area.
Upon arrival at our office, please sanitize your HANDS with our office provided disinfectant.
Please practice social distancing; if there are other patients in the office, please stand or sit 6 feet away.
Plan to attend any appointments alone. If it is critical for someone to accompany you, we ask that you limit this to 1 person.
If you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, PLEASE STAY HOME
These symptoms include sore throat, cough, runny nose, nausea, fatigue, and fever. If you are ill in any way please stay home. If you have been in contact with a person with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days OR feel you have been exposed to COVID-19, PLEASE stay home.
If your local Department of Health has asked you to stay home in isolation, please follow those instructions.
Please do not bring magazines, reading materials, toys, and other objects that may be touched by others and which are not easily disinfected.
Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions. And remember, keeping our patients and our team safe and healthy will always be at the heart of Frangella Dental.
With all our love,
Andrew, Tina, and Laura Frangella