
Chronic teeth grinding or Bruxism is a condition that many people suffer from but are mostly unaware of.Fotolia_4104434_XS-300x184  Bruxism can occur during the day or night but for most people occurs at night. This habit can cause significant damage to the teeth and cause discomfort to the structures that hold your jaw and TMJ in place. Although many speculate what causes people to clench and grind often times there is no clear cause for it and may resolve on its own.

 Common signs that you may be grinding your teeth are:

  • Flattening of biting surfaces of teeth
  • Pain in jaw muscles and temples
  • Pain when biting in molar area
  • Scalloping or indentation of the sides of tongue
  • Scooping out of flat part of teeth along gum line
  • Popping and clicking of the jaw
If you are suffering from symptoms consistent with a chronic bruxer your dentist may recommend treatment with an appliance called a nightguard. A nightguard is a tray that overlays the upper or lower teeth separating them slightly. This helps protect wear of the biting surfaces of the teeth and relieves pressure on the jaw joint and surrounding muscles.]]>