possible link with bottled water. Some articles have suggested that the increase in bottled water over tap water has decreased the amount of fluoride intake thereby increasing the rate of cavities in children. This statement is not entirely true. Although decreased fluoride intake can increase your susceptibility to cavities it is only one factor in a complex scenario. Also, keep in mind that many bottled water companies do offer water with fluoride in it and also many communities do not have fluoride in their tap water.
Over the years dentistry has focused on preventative care with pediatric patients. We do this by recommending good home care, fluoride use, dental sealants and regular check ups. This is only one piece of the puzzle though. One portion of care that dentists do not get to address thoroughly is a child’s diet. With an increase in high sugar and carbohydrate intake, processed foods, and children with little opportunity to brush their teeth during the day, we are seeing more and more children with cavities at a young age.
Bottled water is not the enemy, as the International Bottled Water Association stated in a recent article, bottled water does not have sugar in it and is a great and healthy alternative to other bottled drinks on the market. Fluoride is just one step to help our children achieve great oral health. We also have to focus on good nutrition, home care, and regular hygiene visits to help keep our kids healthy!]]>
Frangella Dental
Offering advanced techniques in Cosmetic and General Dentistry in New York City.
200 W. 57th Street, Suite 1405
New York, NY 10019
(212) 245-2888